I’m Not Perfect

First, I want to say this is not a pity post. I’ve never claimed to be perfect. You know I have issues and struggles, but then, don’t we all? I certainly never want to come across as one with all the answers. I mess up like everyone does.

My biggest struggle at the moment, actually for about three-plus years, is depression stemming from the increased amount and severity of Ménière’s Disease symptoms. At times, trying to cope with the myriad of symptoms and still be available to my work and family priorities is overwhelming.

Ménière’s is an Invisible Illness, which means, physically, I look fine. I have all of my limbs, etc. You probably wouldn’t notice much wrong with me if you saw me. I walk either on my hubby’s arm or with my cane because I have terrible balance. You most likely wouldn’t know I was having difficulty unless you know me extremely well and notice the apparent changes that I’m told show on my face, or if I told you.

My hubby always knows. We will celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary in a few days. Other than him, only a few friends catch the facial changes. Once facial changes appear, I need to lie down to be safe and not get hurt.

Being inside with Covid-19 looming hasn’t helped my mental state or my physical problems, either. However, I’ve taken this time to delve deeper into my relationships with my Creator and my husband to make them richer.

I pray this post gives you the strength to deal with your own situation, whatever it might be. Blessings everyone!