Pull Yourself Up!

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” ‘What in the world does that possibly mean?’ I used to wonder. I didn’t have boots with straps.

Not so ironically, I found out what it meant by the age of ten. I was immensely excited because my Dad had bought me a bike and it was Saturday, the day he promised to teach me to ride a bike. It was a bright shiny blue color.

I had never felt so special as I did that day. I was Daddy’s girl and I had him all to myself! I felt like a princess! Metaphorically, my head was in the clouds. We sat down on the front porch together and he explained how to ride. I drank in his words like ice-cold water in a drought.

Off we went together. He was walking behind me as he promised. Without warning, I was on the pavement. I climbed back on again and again, and each time I did well for a minute or two (while he held on), and then down I would go. Every time I tried, the result was the same. I met the pavement.

I don’t know how long we tried, but finally, I came into the kitchen with my knees and hands scraped and banged up. Dad wasn’t upset with me at all. Mom doctored me up, of course. Don’t let the falls or difficulties of life pull you down! Never give in!

My point is we constantly need to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps until we are Home with the Father.

A Post Script – I was sitting with my parents when they were 87 years of age talking and laughing. Dad told me that day he was so mad and frustrated that I kept falling!!! We didn’t know that my balance had been compromised at birth.

Blessings, all!