God-Thing or Miracle?

Often, I misplace things, nowadays. Important things to me, but probably not to others.

Without fail, as I begin to worry that I won’t find what I’ve lost, I stop and ask Sarayu, the Holy Spirit, to show me where my treasure is; to guide me in finding it.

I’ve come to learn that I will find what I’ve lost if I ask for help. It has become second nature to me; like calling a friend to talk. Most people do that, right? I think of Sarayu as my friend. She answers me, very caringly.

A friend called me recently, to tell me that he had lost one of his new, very expensive hearing aids. He had been doing errands and his ear began to itch. Scratching without thinking, he continued his errands. Later in the day, when he realized it was gone, the feeling of terror began.

Frightened at the thought of losing such an expensive item, he asked God to help him find it. He retraced his steps, all of them from his errand-running earlier in the day, from A to Z, and nothing! His emotions moved from terror to irritation at himself. Walking outside, breathing in much-needed oxygen and fresh air, he began to pace in the yard, admonishing himself severely.

At one point, he stopped pacing, looking at the ground in frustration. That’s when his eyes spied something different, something new, his missing hearing aid! Quickly, he returned it to its proper place . . . his ear. Thank you, Jesus, he praised!

He posed a question at the end of his tale. Was that a miracle, or a God-thing? What do you think? Blessings, all!