Manly Things

Last Friday, March 31st, we went to a birthday celebration with our friends. The wife and I are very similar, we in many ways are “crafty ladies.” No, not sneaky, at least not so we would admit! We both crochet, quilt, and put together jigsaw puzzles. I also do embroidery, edit books and write them too.

Anyway, back to my topic … my husband will roll my crochet skeins for me. He likes that I’m finally making things for us also, and not giving all of my creations to others. If I ask for an opinion on a project I’m editing for someone, he will show interest in my work, and do his best to help me out. But I digress.

Over dinner, we got to discussing things of all interests. A gentleman who shall remain nameless declared that he doesn’t crochet or quilt, he only does manly things. Well, I had to ask what he meant by that.

He replied jokingly, tongue-in-cheek, “chain saws, hand grenades, and weed eaters!” Not expecting that reply, that got me thinking. Are most men like our friend or my husband? What do you think? Blessings, all! Thanks for stopping by! Come again!