Forgiving One Another

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.

(Ephesians 4:32 NIV)

Forgiveness is something we all want for ourselves but find challenging to extend to others. Why is that? Do we consider our shortcomings less grievous than someone else’s? Do we want them to suffer for the pain they inflicted? Whatever the reason, we are only hurting ourselves when we refuse to forgive.

An unforgiving spirit is like a cancer—it often steals a person’s joy for years. What’s the remedy? First, ask the Lord for your unforgiving spirit. Acknowledge that your attitude is wrong. Receive God’s forgiveness for yourself.

Secondly, ask Him to help you extend forgiveness to the person you have in mind. Release the debt you feel they owe you. This is an act of will. Acknowledge that the person’s wrongdoing toward you exposed a weakness in your life. Forgiveness is a process. You may not be able to move past the feelings of pain, hurt, and resentment right away. It may take a while. Each time this offense comes to mind, ask the Lord to give you the strength to forgive. Remember how many times God has forgiven you, and be encouraged! In time, God will heal your heart. Blessings, my friends!